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Jenny Ross


Jenny Ross is a senior International faculty member of the McKenzie Institute. She joined the teaching faculty after completing the Diploma in mechanical diagnosis and therapy in Robin McKenzie’s clinics in New Zealand.

Jenny works clinically in her own private practice which is an accredited Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy Clinic, utilising the mechanical diagnosis and therapy method of patient management.

She also has an academic role for The Dundee University, being the lead for the MSc in Health Sciences and developing and running masters level modules for Physiotherapists and other AHP’s. Within the University, part of the link between the McKenzie institute International and the University, she leads the academic masters level module which is the theoretical element of the Diploma in Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy.

Jenny is also clinical mentor for UK and International students who are undertaking the clinical element of the Diploma programme. She also has an involvement in research and publications related to MDT.